Congratulations on purchasing property in Glacier Springs, and welcome to our community! 

The Glacier Springs Property Owners Association (GSPOA) is a non-profit homeowners association responsible for the administration of the community.  An all-volunteer board of directors oversees critical administrative and operational tasks, facilitates the resolution of issues facing the community, and ensures compliance with our governing documents. The entire membership meets each October at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The next AGM is Oct. 19, 2024. Watch for details in the coming months. 

Contact Information 

As you are settling in, please send the GSPOA your contact information to so we can keep you informed of regular communications, including:

  • Board meetings and the Annual General Meetings; 
  • Water system updates; 
  • Safety issues within the community, such Canyon Creek water levels, burn bans, and wildlife; 
  • County/state projects, such as road work; and 
  • Community events.  

Please provide the following to 

  • Name(s)  
  • GSPOA property/lot address
  • Current mailing address
    Note: USPS does not deliver in Glacier Springs. Most owners either use their primary address/residence if outside of the Springs, or obtain a PO Box at the post office located in Maple Falls.
  • Current email address  
  • Any alternative email addresses you would like added  
  • Glacier Springs phone number (if applicable) 
  • Mobile number (or primary contact info if different than above) 
  • Let us know if you’re willing to let us share your contact info with others. This can be helpful if someone notices an emergency, such as a broken window or frozen pipes, or if you’d like to alert your neighbors to upcoming construction. 

Important Information 

To ensure that everyone’s stay in the Springs is a great one, here are reminders of a few neighborhood, county and state rules and notices. 

Boil water advisory – Glacier Springs is under a boil water advisory from the Washington State Department of Health, acting on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Clean Water Act, following the detection of fecal coliform and E.Coli during regular testing in 2023. The board is working very closely with DOH to design and install an updated water system to ensure our water is safe. 

In the meantime, all residents and visitors should boil their water before using it until further notice. Because boiling water kills bacteria and other organisms, the DOH advises bringing water to a rolling boil for one minute and letting it cool before using. To avoid possible illness: use boiled or purchased bottled water for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes, and food preparation until further notice. 

Update 2024.06.25 – Note that the Glacier Springs water system’s operating permit has been downgraded from “green” to “blue” status pending remediation of the system. This means that currently no new connections can be approved at this time. For more information, please review this post.

Garbage – Wildlife, including bears and mountain lions, are attracted to garbage, so it’s important for each property owner to safeguard their trash. Garbage cans should be locked in a shed or indoors until the morning of trash collection and then returned to the house the same day. Renters, rental agencies, part-timers and guests should pack out their garbage and recyclables at the end of their stays, or coordinate with a neighbor to take trash to and from the street on collection day. Sanitary Service Company (SSC) provides regular trash and recycling service for a fee, and many residents have ordered bear proof cans. 

Dogs must be leashed when off an owner’s property, per Whatcom County code. 

Glacier Springs streets are public streets which means that motorcycle riders must be at least 16 years old, licensed and wearing a motorcycle helmet while observing posted speed limits, according to Washington State law. 

Please observe burn bans issued by Whatcom County. Please check here for burn ban updates. 

Motorhomes and trailers may be parked for no longer than three months, unless they are used for construction purposes and must, in that case, have permission of the board’s zoning committee, per the Glacier Springs travel trailer policy. No trailers, boat trailers, travel trailers, camp trailers, motor homes, boats, machinery, equipment, or similar property may be parked or placed on or along the side of the streets in Glacier Springs, also according to the Glacier Springs travel trailer policy. 

We also ask that all residents and visitors keep noise to a minimum, especially from late evening to early morning. 

Snow and ice – The county plows our roads, however it can sometimes take them a little while to get to us. Please make sure to drive carefully! 

Rentals GSPOA does not have restrictions on use of your property as a short- or long-term rental. The Association wants to remind members who rent their properties that policies and guidelines that apply to owners also apply to short- and long-term renters. In the spirit of being a good neighbor, please remind renters about these policies, including: 

  • Noise/late-night recreation; 
  • Dogs being on leash when in public spaces; and 
  • Proper disposal and securing of trash and recycling, particularly to prevent issues with wildlife. 

Home Improvement 

Building your cabin? Adding a shed or a deck? Thinking about improving, changing or adding to any existing structure on your property? The Zoning Committee is your first stop.   

  1. Submit a completed Construction Approval Application Form to the Zoning Committee;  
  2. Participate in a walk-through of the property with a Zoning Committee member;  
  3. Obtain written approval from the Zoning Committee;   
  4. Submit a completed Water Connection Application Form and connection fee to the Water System Operator;  
  5. Complete exterior structure within 6 months from commencement of construction.  

Property Owners’ Dues 

Annual dues, which help maintain our water system, are $180 per lot and cover the calendar year. Invoices are sent to each property owner in January and are due March 31. Contact to confirm any account balances or request a copy of dues invoices. 

Deeper Dive  

Learn more about our community, Canyon Creek and the Whatcom County Land Trust, which acquired some of the land around Canyon Creek and works to maintain water quality and wildlife habitat in the area. Check out Glacier Springs’ governing documents, which outline policies applying to land use issues within the community. Our bylaws specify our administrative and operating principles as a non-profit homeowners association.  

Join us! 

The association maintains working committees, all of which are chaired by a member of the board of directors. Active participation by members of the community is welcomed and encouraged. If you are interested in any of the committees listed below, please send an inquiry to 

  1. Community Relations promotes connections through communications and events, and facilitates resolution of concerns raised within the community.  
  2. Architectural, Planning and Zoning Committee – assists members with new building projects and exterior improvement projects to existing structures to ensure compliance with the association’s governing documents.  
  3. Water Committee – As a Group A water system, GSPOA is required to have a primary certified water operator, and this committee works as a team to oversee operations and maintenance of the water system. This includes installation of new water meters, monitoring monthly water quality, overseeing water distribution system repairs and upgrades and working with state and county agencies that regulate its operation. The committee also makes recommendations to the board on system updates, improvements and operations. 
  4. Covenants and Bylaws Committee responsible for review of governing documents; proposes modifications to the membership as necessary to maintain relevance to current issues. 

Questions? Ideas? Thoughts? 

Send them our way to We’re so glad you’re here.