Glacier Springs Property Owners' Association

The community of Glacier Springs is nestled in the foothills of the North Cascade Mountains. Located approximately thirty miles east of Bellingham, Washington, we enjoy of the beauty of the surrounding mountains and nearby rivers and creeks. Glacier Springs Property Owners Association (GSPOA) is a non-profit homeowners association responsible for the administration of the community. This web site contains current information for the benefit of our membership and others interested in our community.

Reminder: Boil Water Advisory (BWA) Still in Effect

Hello, GSPOA Owners – You likely also just received this message via email (if you have provided one) from, but we wanted to re-post here to ensure that everyone sees the notice.
From our routine testing of the water system, trace amounts of chloroform/E. Coli were found in samples taken on Tuesday, 6/4.  We have done a second sampling on 6/7, and just received verbal results this afternoon for that repeat water sampling. We have one hit at the source for coliform. Based on the Washington Administrative Code, one E. coli hit plus one coliform hit equals a confirmed E. coli sample and an official boil water advisory notification is required within 24 hrs.
A reminder that Glacier Springs remains under a boil water advisory.
If you have any questions, please email Thank you for your continued diligence.

GSPOA Owner Information on Washington Department of Ecology Adjudication – Whatcom County Superior Court

By now, most Glacier Springs property owners likely have received a notice in the mail from the Washington Department of Ecology regarding an adjudication filed in Whatcom County Superior Court. The process will inventory all legal water rights and usage in Nooksack River system, which includes Glacier Springs. Please note that individual property owners in Glacier Springs do not need to take any action or respond to a summons, instructions or claim forms in this case.
Our community’s water rights belong to the Glacier Springs Property Owners Association – not to individual property owners – and as administrators, the board will manage the summons and claims form response. According to the Department of Ecology, the adjudication does not involve claims for damages and is the foundation for resolving conflicts and competition over water resources by establishing who has the right to use water, in what quantity, and in what order of seniority.
In addition, this adjudication is not at all related to our current boil water advisory and water system.
For more information about this case, please refer to the Department of Ecology.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
GSPOA Board or Directors