As mentioned in previous communication, we will be hosting an optional informational session regarding the water system. This session is scheduled for Monday evening, September 25, 2023 from 6:00-7:00PM Pacific.
The purpose of this info session is to provide an update on our water system remediation efforts and potential plans going forward. It will include representatives from the Department of Health as well as our water system operator and the engineering firm we have been working with for the first phase of these efforts. The meeting will be held via Zoom. Advance registration is required, but it is open to all community members. We will record the session and make the recording available via our website for anyone who cannot attend on September 25th but wishes to view it later.
Registration/Q&A links and general info are provided here:
Please Register in Advance:
Please visit the link above for information and a link to the registration form, or enter this link into your browser:
To make the session as efficient as possible, please submit your questions by Monday, September 18th. We will consolidate questions submitted in advance. The link to submit your questions is also available at, but is provided here as well: